3 examples for school admin to successfully engage their community

School administrators play a critical role in ensuring the success of their students. Engaging with parents and teachers is one of the most important aspects of their job. With the rise of digital communication tools like Klassly and Klassboard, administrators have a powerful new way to connect with their school communities. In this article, we will discuss successful community engagement initiatives from school administrators who have used Klassly and Klassboard to communicate with parents and teachers.
The Power of Klassly and Klassboard
Klassly and Klassboard are digital communication platforms designed to help teachers and parents communicate in a more efficient, effective, and personalized way. They allow administrators to send messages to parents and teachers via email, text message, or app notification. These messages can include school updates, event reminders, and student progress reports. Additionally, Klassboard allows parents and teachers to communicate with each other in a private, secure environment.
1. Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences
One of the most successful community engagement initiatives from school administrators using Klassly and Klassboard is virtual parent-teacher conferences. With Klassly, administrators can schedule virtual meetings with parents and teachers at a time that is convenient for everyone. This eliminates the need for parents to take time off work or travel to the school. Additionally, Klassly allows parents and teachers to share documents and other materials during the conference, making it easier to discuss student progress and address any concerns.
2. Student Showcase Events
Another successful community engagement initiative from school administrators using Klassly and Klassboard is student showcase events. These events allow students to share their projects, artwork, and other achievements with their parents and teachers. With Klassboard, administrators can post to a private timeline for each class, where teachers can post updates about the event, including photos and videos of the students' work. This helps to build excitement and anticipation for the event and encourages parents to attend. They can even save the event to their personal device in the calendar app to be reminded about the event and organize their schedules with school activities.
3. Parent Education Workshops
Finally, school administrators can use Klassly and Klassboard to host parent education workshops. These workshops can cover a variety of topics, including college readiness, financial planning, and parenting strategies. With Klassboard, administrators can create a private group for each workshop, where they can post updates about the event, including the date, time, and location. Additionally, administrators can use Klassly to send reminders and follow-up materials to parents who attended the workshop.
In conclusion, Klassly and Klassboard are powerful tools for school administrators who want to engage with their school communities in a more efficient, effective, and personalized way. With these tools, administrators can schedule virtual parent-teacher conferences, host student showcase events, and offer parent education workshops. By using Klassly and Klassboard, administrators can create a more connected and engaged school community that supports student success.